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28 Black Acai

So this is probably my first street freebie/handout received in the Pyrmont area. Not notoriously known for this type of promotions unlike Town Hall and Wynyard Station (foot traffic central).

Sold in black and gold, the marketing team understands this symbolises prestige and I think it can only be bought at 7/11.  Apparently every can has at least 4% of the Acai Berry Extract and they use 28 berries per liter. It was all on the can and in the little booklet that was tied to the can. Great lil' promotion.

I normally don't go out of my way to buy energy drinks unless I'm uncontrollably sleepy at work but I'm really loving the refreshing tastes of the Acai Berries. I think mixed this with some Vodka and we got ourselves a winner! Hmmm and it is a Friday... What a great way to stay energetic, "healthy" and uncontrollably loud...