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Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Cranberries

So my mum goes... you need to eat healthier... and suddenly I'm convinced to change my snacking habits to include this....

First off, I love resealable packaging. This should be enforced feature of all snacks.. think of all the hours saved where I don't need to find clips to seal my snacks! Instead the marketing department uses useless tactics like mentioning on the package how it doesn't fat... what's fat got to do with Craisins?

It's enjoyable for something that's suppose to be good for you. Which I'm sure it's not..*double checks nutritional facts* Wow... a nice sugar content percentage of 65.

I personally mix these with Goji berries. The over-sweetness in this balances well with the dried bitter taste of the goji berries and conveniently they both can be purchasable at Costco.

Thanks Mum for the snack advice... unfortunately this and the Goji berries sit untouched in my fridge...