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Glutinous Corn

This looked amazingly interesting when I first saw it in Haymarket. A corn that's shrink wrapped and multicoloured. Fascinating. Apparently its been around for ages (doh!) and it's one of those foods that you can only enjoy if you grew up with it.
Glutinous corn is its name. When I finally get that tight wrapping off it, it just smells like a normal corn to me. Not the super sweet smell of candied corn as I expected.
I took my first bite... dear god... what did I just put in my mouth... its horrible...I really wanted to spit it out...the corn tastes like its been sitting on a tampon all day and it's all dried out. Not juicy at all as it might look. My closest comparison is that its like eating a sauce-less baked bean with a mushy, starchy centre and a slightly tougher skin around it.

There's apparently many ways to eat it... like how I did or cook it on the grill... I didn't bother grilling it, it was left untouched in the fridge for a week and then it was binned... and I'm happy with that...